
Showing posts from September 4, 2005

Canada's nuclear alliance with China??

Buried in Canadian MSM coverage of PM Martin's summit meeting today with Chinese President Hu Jintao today, comes this potentially alarming new twist: " Increased collaboration on nuclear energy research and development -- including advanced reactor systems , safety and design codes , and sustainable fuel cycles ." Is this a hint that Canada will assist China in developing advanced nuclear weapons, and perhaps that Canada will acquire nuclear weapons of its own? " In Ottawa Friday, China's President and Canada's Prime Minister announced a formal "strategic partnership" between the two countries, while officials signed a number of bilateral agreements on air and rail transport, food inspection, health research and nuclear R&D ."

Canada-US Border Security

Border security along the vast U.S.-Canada land border remains a vital concern in this day and age. See these Bellingham Herald "On the Border" articles for a brief glimpse into the situation.

John Roberts for SCOTUS Chief Justice

President Bush's nominee for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, is eminently qualified. As Senate confirmation hearings approach, I urge American readers to contact their Senators and urge their support for the nominee. His interpersonal skills are very well suited to this demanding position, and I believe the American people will be well served by his talents. For my Canadian readers: The Canadian Constitution does not require independent confirmation of the Governor General's (read: Prime Minister's) appointees for judgeships. Perhaps future attempts at Constitutional reform and addressing Canada's "democratic deficit" could include having an independent branch of government review the GG/PM's appointments through a rigourous, public confirmation process.

Bill Vander Zalm interview!

Former B.C. Premier Bill Vander Zalm recently offered some curt opinions about Gordon Campbell's political career and performance. While I've learned to take such comments with a large salt-shaker-full of salt, there may be some room for the BC Liberal Party to learn from Vander Zalm's critique.

Evacuee aid blocked by state & local officials

The Governor of Louisiana and Mayor of New Orleans apparently have used their authority to prevent the American Red Cross from providing emergency supplies to NO residents trapped at the Superdome, especially on the Monday following the storm (the day before the drainage-canal break which flooded most of NO).

King County's incompetent King

King County, the most populous county in Washington with over 1.8 million residents including the megacities of Seattle and Bellevue, is facing a crucial election this fall. The County Council legislative branch has been reduced in size from 13 districts to 9 districts. All 9 council seats are up for election. I will be posting links to information about the seats. The County Executive seat is up for election as well. Incumbent Democratic Executive Ron Sims is seeking a third term in office, something voters have rarely granted to a county executive. His performance in office has been terribly disappointing, leading to a serious erosion of public confidence and waste of taxpayer dollars. A good site discussing the problems of his administration is at Republican Council member David Irons is challenging Ron Sims for the Executive's seat. He brings strong qualifications to the job in terms of his managerial and administrative expertise and skills, as w...