Churches closed on Christmas Day??
USA Today reports " Some Megachurches Closing for Christmas ": "Even though the holiday falls this year on a Sunday, when churches normally host thousands for worship, pastors are canceling services, anticipating low attendance on what they call a family day ." (emphasis added). The article mentions that these churches are holding many Christmas worship services in the days up to and including Christmas Eve, but quotes one source that " church leaders decided that organizing services on a Christmas Sunday would not be the most effective use of staff and volunteer resources . The last time Christmas fell on a Sunday was 1994, and only a small number of people showed up to pray, she said." Your host here, SpaceNeedleBoy, is speechless at the thought that churches would actually CLOSE THEIR DOORS on Sunday morning worship, a tradition among most Christian churches for over two thousand years. It's one thing to reduce the Christmas schedule to a single...