Minuteman Project on USA-Canada border
Minutemen Starting Patrols
Minutemen Watching Canada/U.S. Border (Seattle Times)
New York State Minuteman Patrol
Volunteers Begin Watch Along New England Border (Detroit News)
Volunteers Watching Along Canada Line (Boston Globe)
The core purpose of this group is not focused towards Canadian citizens - who already have become very well-educated in the realities of U.S. homeland security law by such episodes such as the Michel Jalbert incident in 2002 - but towards the many undocumented persons who may have less-than-honourable reasons for illegally entering the USA.
What do many of you think?
Minutemen Watching Canada/U.S. Border (Seattle Times)
New York State Minuteman Patrol
Volunteers Begin Watch Along New England Border (Detroit News)
Volunteers Watching Along Canada Line (Boston Globe)
The core purpose of this group is not focused towards Canadian citizens - who already have become very well-educated in the realities of U.S. homeland security law by such episodes such as the Michel Jalbert incident in 2002 - but towards the many undocumented persons who may have less-than-honourable reasons for illegally entering the USA.
What do many of you think?
I guess a lot of people just don't think there should be a border... read the MSM story at http://news.bellinghamherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051002/NEWS03/510020371/1016