Personal Debt: a challenge on both sides of the border

CBC Marketplace's "Debt Nation" topic is highly recommended. Personal money management is particularly vital to maintaining healthy personal relationships, and I share the concern raised in "Debt Nation" that many ordinary citizens are struggling - not so much with a lack of income, but with a lack of knowledge and discipline to control personal spending and set financial priorities.

When I look at the "spend now, pay later" mentality which has corrupted the halls of the GOP-controlled U.S. Congress and White House, as well as Ottawa, it is my belief that politicians are increasingly reflecting the common practices of ordinary citizens.

I'd love some vigorous discussion about this topic. Regardless of who wins Canada's Federal Elections on January 23, or who wins elections in the U.S. later this year, THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT MAKE YOUR PERSONAL SUCCESS. Managing our finances is a skill rarely taught in public schools - though it should be - and one which can allow us to sleep much better at night.


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