
Showing posts from October 2, 2005

Are Canadian bloggers "pussies"?

Canadian bloggers' impact on their nation's politics have been underestimated by writer Siri Agrell , but I wonder if this story was simply "planted" by Liberal Party sympathizers for their own purposes. Captain Ed Morissey has great discussion on this topic. What do ya think?

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!

Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day history in Canada "The first Thanksgiving Day in Canada after Confederation was observed on April 15, 1872, to celebrate the recovery of The Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) from a serious illness." Historic Proclamations of Thanksgiving in Canada Interestingly, the first official Thanksgiving observance in Lower Canada (now Ontario) was on Thursday, November 10, 1799. The rationale for that first observance was, "In signal victory over our enemy and for the manifold and inestimable blessings which our Kingdoms and Provinces have received and daily continue to receive". From the bottom of my heart, I extend to my Canadian friends my deep wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving fellowship and a particularly memorable day! SNB

Minuteman Project on USA-Canada border

Minutemen Starting Patrols Minutemen Watching Canada/U.S. Border (Seattle Times) New York State Minuteman Patrol Volunteers Begin Watch Along New England Border (Detroit News) Volunteers Watching Along Canada Line (Boston Globe) The core purpose of this group is not focused towards Canadian citizens - who already have become very well-educated in the realities of U.S. homeland security law by such episodes such as the Michel Jalbert incident in 2002 - but towards the many undocumented persons who may have less-than-honourable reasons for illegally entering the USA. What do many of you think?

Hockey Night In Canada is back!

Hockey Night is BACK.... for my readers in the Seattle area, CBC is on cable channel 99 or 29 in most areas (it's not a "premium" channel) - come watch the action.